Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Waiting on God's provision...

My darling wanted to bring me out for dinner tonight, as an appreciation to me as well as a celebration for his pay raise. It's not a big amount, yet, he said he want to bring me out...

I agreed.

However, "we don't have that extra money to eat out" came to me as the time goes by. We have been struggling, financially. Due to my lack of management in our budget, we have to clear quite some credit card bills; and three months of maintenance fees last two months. As Chinese, we have to distribute 'ang pao' (some blessing in a red packet for those who are not married) to family & friends. It's not easy to come out a fund at that time... but God, pull us through.

Still recovering financially from all the above mentioned, we are still running low in cash this month. After clearing all bills and loan, we have quite little left this month though it's just the beginning of March. In addition, Jan, Feb and March's maintenance fees are still pending. We got to get them clear soon in this week. Therefore, it's not the right timing to carry out the celebration now.

I was little upset these days, and have been asking God for provision. Pouring out all the bills and payments unto Him, I wonder why do we have to go through all these. God simply answer, "it's becos of your mismanagement... but, I will bring you through it".

That very evening, I got a text from an event company that I work with (as a commercial dancer) that he had just banked in an amount for my past performance. 'Wow...' God truly is faithful and almighty... although I am not sure that amount will be able to cover all the remaining bills, I trust that He will not forsake us. Amen.


  1. So in the end we settle with instant noodle and eating out maybe next month. Had a great tv night with CSI, Live To Dance two back to back and CSI again... All series that we like..!

    Save on dinner, watch our fav show together n now time for devotion. Perfect night!!!! : )

  2. How do you know, or hear what God is telling you?
    A friend recently advised that I should be more sensitive to God, and that it is not easy. So, how?

  3. Well, it's hard to explain how... we just know. ^^

    When God is in you, you will be able to hear Him. You don't hear Him, could be the reason that you don't recognise His voice. He speaks through scriptures, voices that's from your heart, send people and speak to you through them, and many other things as well. Hubby experienced God speaking to him through the title of books he saw in the bookstore. The titles just popped out and speak the encouragement God wanted to say.

    Read the bible more, especially during the time you are discouraged... and pray and ask Him to speak to you. Then, listen... carefully. It could be a voice that's very soft at the beginning... and it will be soon louder when you are familiar with it. Many times I just could sense that He's preparing something for me, and for us. I don't normally know how.. but I just know He's preparing. And, all I have to do is just wait...

    When you are baptised with the Holy Spirit, you will be very sensitive too... to the holy spirit, whom God sent to be our adviser... prince of peace and etc.

    I hope I could at least clear your questions a little. ^^



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